ARRIVE in Norfolk and before long you realise you have entered a different time zone - one where the pace of life is more civilised and people are willing to stop and chat.
DON'T know a Bishy Barnabee from a Harnser?
Here's a quick guide to Norfolk vocabulary and phrases.
Tricolate - Spruce up
Kiderer - Pork butcher
Pollywiggle - A tadpole
Shuck - Untidy person
Mawkin - A scarecrow
King Harry - Goldfinch
Swimmers - Dumplings
Shanny - Scatter-brained
Hully - Very
Botty - Fussy
Mawther - Girl
Dodman - Snail
Smur - Fine rain
Mardle - Gossip
Harnser - Heron
Dickey - Donkey
Pishamire - An ant
Coshies - Sweets
Reasty - Rancid

In fact, hidden history surrounds you in Norfolk. Boudicca, Queen of the Iceni was born near Norwich, Albert Einstein took refuge in the county when he fled Germany after Adolf Hitler rose to power and all along the coast, including at Winterton, are intriguing ruins of fortifications from Roman to the Second World War.

This is normal for Norfolk and one of the things that makes the county a wonderful holiday destination.
Whether you crave a chance to wind down in beautiful surroundings, a bit of culture, all the thrills and spills of the funfair or simply a traditional bucket and spade holiday with the children, the county has what you need.
Norfolk also has its own unique literary and music traditions, brought to the outside world by performers like Winterton fisherman folk singer Sam Larner in the 1950s and the Singing Postman in the 1960s.
Within 15 miles of the village are attractions as diverse as Thrigby Hall Wildlife Gardens, stately home Somerleyton Hall, the RAF Air Defence Radar Museum and Bewilderwood adventure park.
Closer to home, but a world away is Great Yarmouth where there are seafront entertainments galore.
However, behind the brash “kiss me quick” image are several quieter attractions including the award-winning Time and Tide museum, the historic steam drifter Lydia Eva, a beautiful parish church and a monument to Norfolk’s most famous son, Lord Nelson.

Norwich Castle
Albert Einstein
The fine city of Norwich, with its shopping, theatres and castle, is just 40 minutes’ drive from Winterton, while fishing, golf and sailing are available nearby.
Nextdoor at West Somerton is the grave of Robert Hales, the 7ft 8ins Norfolk Giant who toured with Barnum and Bailey and was presented to Queen Victoria.
Norfolk’s literary links are also impressive. Swallows and Amazons author Arthur Ransome based Coot Club on the Broads area close to Winterton, Anna Sewell, who wrote Black Beauty, was born in a cottage in Great Yarmouth and tales of Black Shuck, the ghostly devil dog are thought to have provided inspiration for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Hound of the Baskervilles.
ONE of Norfolk’s charms is its distinctive dialect.
It is unlike any other in the country and it proves a real challenge to actors, The 1999 TV movie All the King's Men, which told the tale of the Sandringhams lost in the Gallipoli campaign during the First World War, fell into the "mummerset" trap and was one of the reasons the Friends of Norfolk Dialect was formed.
One of group's members was journalist Tony Clarke, whose alter ego, The Boy Jimma - a smock-wearing village comedian - was a favourite throughout Norfolk and into the neighbouring counties.
Tales of the Boy Jimma. The adventures of a village idiot as he stumbles through life towards a happy ending. Rich in dialect and rural humour.
Published in colour for the first, serialised in the village newsletter here:
Howd yew hard - Hang on a moment
Backus - Scullery or out house
Um nowagorn - I'm leaving
Brawk - To belch loudly after meals
Fourses - Tea break in the afternoon
Ha and Hacker - To Stutter
Bishy Barneybee - Ladybird
Guzunder - Chamber pot
Loke - A short lane or blind alley
Dwile - floor cloth (as used in the sport of Dwile Flonking).

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