Village News Archive
News from the Winterton-on-Sea Parish Council & the village, November 2020
© All content copyright 2021
FESTIVE WARNING: Parking wardens will be out and about targeting motorists who ignore the double yellow lines on Beach Road over the Christmas holidays.
A year round ban was brought in following chaotic scenes in past winters, where the road was blocked and cars were driven over the pavement and onto the dunes. But visitors are routinely ignoring them and parking on the north side of the road.
And in a bid to prevent a similar headache and keep roads in the village clear this year parish councillors could call in a security firm to act as marshals.
At Wednesday’s meeting they agreed to Emma Punchard’s request to set up a rota of
duty councillors to be available over the busiest days to help deal with any problems
and to put out a call for volunteers from the village to help.
Some of the council’s 60 new traffic cones will also be deployed at pinch points
including Winmer Avenue.
Meeting chairman Mark Bobby said: “Are we any better prepared for the bank
holidays coming in December? Yes, probably. Have we got the solution? No.”
Thousands of people head for the village every winter to see the ever growing seal
colony and the Christmas holidays come at the height of the pupping season.
The parish council is currently working on a visitor management scheme to deal with the huge influx.
Dawn Clegg said visitor parking was already becoming a problem. “There was a lot of parking in the village on Sunday and North Market Road was bad. People in Miriam Terrace were struggling to get out of their gates.”
She said: “If people down there had needed an ambulance they would have had to be hoiked over a wall.”
RENT RISE: Some allotment holders are set to pay up to 50 per cent more for their plots after the parish council agreed a rent restructure.
The move comes after all the allotments were measured and it was discovered some gardeners were paying less than their neighbours for similar-sized patches.
It will be the first rent increase in nine years for the facility, which earns just £340 a year for the council.
John Smithson, who declared an interest as an allotment holder, told colleagues on the parish council there would be no direct rent rise this year but a parity exercise would be carried out to bring them into line with each other. The move would generate an additional £230.
Parish clerk Stacey Kent said the last increase was in 2011. Allotment holders have been consulted to let them know that a water supply and other improvements were the reason behind the rise.
One plot holder was paying £9.10 but a neighbouring plot the same size cost £18.70. “The only way to make it fair is to have this parity exercise,” she said.
Cllr Smithson said the quote for bringing a water supply onto the site would only last until January and the water company needed three months’ notice to close Low Road for the work to be done.
The project, expected to cost more than £4,000, would bring the supply as far as Duffles Pond.
Cllr Mark Bobby said the issue would be included in the council’s finance meeting and once approved could go ahead.
IN BLOOM: A proposal to plant a hedge around the perimeter of the village hall green was rejected by the parish council, but six new hanging baskets can be put up on the hall if they go round the front of the building.
A decision on a new bench at the top of the green was deferred, although two
bird boxes can be installed.
The group will also be encouraged to look at making improvements to the area
outside the public toilets in Beach Road.
Dawn Clegg said she didn’t think it was necessary to enclose the green and
wondered if it was because members of the In Bloom team lived there. “It is
being used almost like a private garden,” she said.
She also questioned who would be responsible for maintenance of the hedge
if the group disbanded.
Mark Bobby agreed. “There is a big concentration in that area,” he said.
Parish clerk Stacey Kent pointed out the group had done work at the playing field and Nigel Coe said wooden containers around the village had been replanted.
Cllr Coe wanted to ensure the hanging baskets were not put up only on one part of the village hall. It was seen by everyone on their way to the beach and it was looking a bit scruffy.
“If we have them right across the village hall, not just the side that benefits individuals’ gardens, then it will benefit everyone,” he said.
Cllr Smithson added he thought the council should recognise the contribution the In Bloom team made to the village.

VANDALISM: Rope barriers put up in the dunes as part of measures to protect them are being repeatedly targeted by vandals.
The ropes, cordoning off sections of the internationally important nature reserve to give them a chance to recover, have been cut.
Emma Punchard said: “We don’t know who is doing it and we don’t know why they’re doing it. "It is a shame these individuals cannot come and talk to us in the way the fishermen have."
The issue will be referred to the police.
GATEWAY: A gate giving fishermen access to the cliff through a new fence put up to protect the seals has been installed after they complained it made it difficult for them to check the sea state before launching their boats. Money for it came from borough councillor Noel Galer’s budget.

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In other news - November 2020
Public urged to keep going after first week of new national restrictions
12 November 2020
The seven-day incidence for Norfolk (for the period to November 6) has increased slightly to 100 per 100,000, up from 92 last week. Norwich and Breckland have both seen rates drop, while every other area of the county has seen an increase. The districts with the biggest rates are Great Yarmouth (165) and King’s Lynn (134).
Hospital admissions have also continued to rise, with 127 patients in hospitals in Norfolk and Waveney this week, compared with 107 last Thursday.
Cllr Andrew Proctor, Chair of the Local Engagement Board and Leader of Norfolk County Council, said: “I know people are tired and that the current restrictions are difficult, particularly in these shorter, darker days but now is not the time to give up.
“Rates of the virus are still increasing in Norfolk and it’s only by all playing our part and staying home as much as possible that we can get some more of our freedoms back.
“Anyone can get this virus, anyone can spread it and the reality is that we just don’t know how it will affect each of us. We all need to continue to work together, remember hands, face and space so we can keep each other safe and protect our loved ones and our communities.”
In the last week there has been a slight increase in the number of outbreaks among care providers, education settings and business, reflecting the county-wide increase in cases.
Dr Louise Smith, Director of Public Health said that during the period of national restrictions it remained particularly important that those still going to work or school followed the public health guidelines.
Dr Smith said: “There is positive news that a vaccine is on its way but we are not there yet and it will be many weeks before we see the impact of an immunisation programme. Now is not the time to become complacent because we can still catch and spread the virus, if we let our guard down.
"We are in these national restrictions because of rising rates of the virus across the country and across Norfolk. That means that those who are continuing to meet with others at work and school need to be particularly careful to follow the guidelines – not just when they are working or in the classroom but when they have breaks during the day and when they are leaving, or arriving on site. Keep your distance, wash your hands regularly and cover your face where it’s needed.”
Dr Smith also emphasised the need for people to isolate if they have symptoms of the virus, test positive or have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive.
She added: “If you need to isolate please go home immediately and stay there. Every second that someone stays on at work, visits the shops or comes into contact with others places people at risk.
“There is support to isolate, including access to funding, food and medication. We understand that it’s hard to stay at home but in doing so you are helping to prevent the virus spreading and helping to save lives.”
District data for the week to November 6
Previous week’s data in brackets
• Breckland: 76 ( 118)
• Broadland: 113 (64)
• Great Yarmouth: 165 (170)
• King’s Lynn and West Norfolk: 134 (116)
• North Norfolk: 46 (30)
• Norwich: 84 (91)
• South Norfolk: 86 (60)
• Care provider settings: 39 (35) outbreaks
• Businesses or workplace settings:15 (8) outbreaks
• Education settings: 15 (10) outbreaks
There are no new substantial outbreaks in businesses this week, with no additional cases reported at
Cranswick Foods or Snack Creations.
Latest News
Public urged to keep going after first week of new national restrictions
12 November 2020
Residents and businesses across Norfolk are being urged to keep following coronavirus restrictions a week into the national lockdown.
Free online support to help Norfolk businesses through the pandemic
11 November 2020
It’s a difficult time for small businesses and business owners so the Business & IP Centre (BIPC) Norfolk, run by Norfolk County Council’s Library and Information Service, has developed a free programme of business support that can be accessed online.
Families reminded that we're still here
10 November 2020
Families across the county are being reminded that Norfolk’s organisations and agencies are still here to help as England enters new national restrictions.
COVID impact on jobs and business to be discussed
10 November 2020
Over the last few months, the scrutiny committee has investigated how the council has tackled different aspects of the pandemic.
Leader urges Chancellor to help Norfolk build back better after COVID
09 November 2020
Help us to build back better after the pandemic - that's the message from Norfolk County Council's leader to the Chancellor.
Still time to have your say on the Council's budget proposals
09 November 2020
You can have your say on the Council’s proposed share of Council Tax and its savings proposals will take place up until 14 December.
Norfolk prepared for new national restrictions
06 November 2020
Norfolk’s leaders are joining together to urge their residents, businesses and visitors to stay at home where they can as they come together with the rest of England to return to lockdown from today, Thursday 5 November until Wednesday 2 December.
Vital services to keep running during lockdown
04 November 2020
Information on which services will continue and which will close during the national restrictions.
First gritting run of the season as icy weather forecast tonight
03 November 2020
With temperatures forecast to fall below zero tonight the county’s gritting fleet are setting out on the first gritting run of the season later today.
Norfolk County Council and Beryl extend free ride initiative to help essential journeys
02 November 2020
Norfolk County Council and Norwich’s micromobility provider Beryl have bolstered and extended their free ride initiative to keep the city moving during the approaching lockdown.

New national restrictions - a briefing from Norfolk County Council November 2020
People’s behaviour is central to the spread of coronavirus. Guidance and regulations set out by the government, including the new restrictions from 5th November, are designed to slow the rate of the spread.
There is a much higher likelihood of people engaging in any required behaviour if they understand why they are being asked to do it and can see the benefit of it. This briefing is designed to give more detail and context to the desired behaviours that are being promoted by the current campaign. This information will help those who are prominent in giving messages (e.g. via media interviews) or are influential within communities (e.g. group leaders, councillors, faith leaders) to talk around the messages to enhance the public’s understanding.
The key messages of the campaign are:
• Stay home as much as possible
• Don’t meet indoors
• Only meet with one other person form another household
• Follow the Hands, Face, Space guidance
• Only make essential journeys
• Just buy what you need (don’t panic buy)
• Minimise contact with others (aimed at those considered to be vulnerable)
The campaign wording highlights that we have lived under lockdown before, so this time we know what
to do and have better systems in place (ads shown at the end of this briefing).
1. Stay at home & Essential Travel
Even though more businesses are staying open than in the first lockdown, the key advice is to stay at home as much as possible.
Using online shopping and working from home where possible helps us to reduce the number of journeys being made which in turn reduces the number of face-to-face interactions and reduces exposure to shared touchpoints. Since we did full lockdown earlier in the year, many more people are now set up to function in remote ways. Many people learned how to use video calling to stay in touch with friends and family, and online community groups helped people to support each other.
More shops have remained open this time, but the main message is still to stay home as much as possible and only go out for essentials. Anything non-essential should be purchased online. It can be confusing that some shops remain open but the message is not to go; the reason for seemingly non-essential stores being open is because they may be linked to trades such as furnishing new buildings for the construction trade, and are intended for trade or essential purchases, not for general public browsing. There is a reliance on the public to determine whether their need is essential, e.g. shopping for a replacement kitchen or carpet because of a need following damage from a flood or fire vs shopping for these items because the current one is looking a bit tired.
Try not make journeys that you don’t need to, because every trip out brings potential for increased contact between people. Staying local will reduce the need for refuelling the car or potentially calling for breakdown services.
2. No indoor mixing & Only 1 other person outside
The current lockdown has been referred to as a ‘circuit-breaker’, as it is designed to slow transmission of the virus by reducing contact between people. The only mixing with someone from another household (outside of the support bubble arrangement) is to meet one person and then only in a public outdoor space. Children under the age of 5 are not included for this regulation, so one person can meet with another person outdoors even if one of them has a small child with them. Having contact with other people and getting out and about are both good for mental wellbeing. These rules help us to continue to do these things in a way that keeps risk of infection lower. Keeping contact between different households in public spaces increases the likelihood of social distancing being maintained and lowers the risk of larger social gatherings happening.
Support bubbles (where a single-adult household links with another) are classed as just one household for the purposes of these new regulations. Also, childcare bubbles are now allowed, so a child under the age of 13 can be in a ‘bubble’ with one other household – so the child can go there for childcare purposes.
Children obviously mix indoors when at school (although the degree of mixing is controlled by sorting into smaller groups or bubbles). Minimising further disruption to education has been made a priority by the government. If the overall community risk is minimised by people following the guidance, then the risk posed by children attending school will remain manageable.
3. Hands, Face, Space
Coronaviruses are known to be spread by one person either being close to another infected person or picking up the virus from a surface that an infected person has contaminated. The main prevention actions of keeping hands clean, wearing face coverings in settings that require them and social distancing (Hands, Face, Space), will, when done properly, prevent virus spread. They will also help to prevent other common winter illnesses such as colds and flu, and sickness bugs like coronavirus.
4. Just buy what you need
The past months have shown that when people shop ‘normally’, things are available for everyone. This means that there is no need for anyone to stock-up any more than usual.
5. Minimise contact / use support if vulnerable
With the first lockdown, not only was it a huge culture shock, but new support systems had to be designed and put in place. This time around, we’ve had months of living under some degree of restriction, we have the Furlough scheme and support systems for our most vulnerable residents to get essential food and medicines. These things will help our communities to cope with this next phase.

A lockdown statement from Winterton-on-Sea Parish Council
7th November 2020
Following the Government’s announcement of a four-week lockdown in England, we have liaised with the car park owner and can confirm that the car park will remain open along with the toilets from 8.30 until 4pm every day. The café will be open at weekends for take-away only. All weather permitting. This is in line with all other local car parks including the National Trust car park at Horsey Windpump and the car park at Horsey Gap.
The government’s guidance relating to travel to spend time or exercise outdoors is as follows:
“You can travel to spend time or exercise outdoors – this should be done locally wherever possible, but you can travel to do so if necessary (for example, to access an open space). If you need to travel, we encourage you to walk and cycle wherever possible, and to plan ahead and avoid busy times and routes on public transport. This will allow you to practice social distancing when travelling”
The Fisherman’s Return and the Hermanus are both shut. There is no available car parking
on their sites. Second home and holiday home occupation are illegal during this lockdown.
There are however some circumstances where this will be allowed, such as key worker
accommodation, guests moving house/ self-isolating /to avoid homelessness. If any
visitors do drive to Winterton, please park in the beach car park and not in the village due
to our narrow lanes. A reminder to follow social distancing rules at all times keeping to
1 household, or 2 people from different households.
It is not safe to walk on the stretch of beach in front of the café and car park and
particularly behind the concrete blocks. Signs explain why. Joining north (Horsey ‘side’) and
south (‘Hemsby side’) beaches, please cross the car park and follow the marked paths. The coastal path (using the dunes) is unaffected. Fishermen are part of the proud history of Winterton, and we respect all whose livelihoods use and/or protect our beach and dunes. We ask that anyone wishing to be by the sea or on the beach, such as dog-walkers and runners, use the south side beach to avoid the seal colony.
Once pups start to be born on Winterton beach, we will ask residents and visitors to voluntarily avoid the north side beach, so not to disturb the baby seals and their mums. On this side, public seal viewing will be from behind the fence erected by Natural England, as wardens and new signs will explain.

Norfolk County Council’s latest weekly media update