
Charity collection confusion

A QUESTION mark hangs over the future of the annual Salvation Army collection in Winterton.

Upset was caused after comments on a social media post advertising this year’s collection date suggested people should give to Martham Foodbank if they wanted their donations to go to local people.

Organiser Dawn Clegg confirmed: “It is going ahead. People have been asking so it seems they will still support it.”

Donors have supported the collection for more than 25 years with food, toys and Christmas treats for those in desperate need.

In his comments under the October 5 Facebook post Rev Dr Steven Sivyer said it was no longer true that Winterton people were helped by the Salvation Army’s foodbank because new boundaries had been agreed.

He wrote: “It is only right that if people want to give to others in their own village, that they are aware of which foodbank feeds them. It is also not fair to other villages who then have to give more to feed Winterton because the donations from Winterton are sent elsewhere.”

Dawn said: “The areas have only changed in recent months and it’s not something we have heard about. It’s never been raised before.

“My personal view is that I think we are all entitled to give to who we want to give to, but I fully understand where he is coming from.”

She explained the Salvation Army provided more than a foodbank.

The organisation works with rough sleepers and homeless people, offers debt advice, support for jobseekers and help for victims of domestic abuse.

Earlier this year it opened a community supermarket in Yarmouth, where parts of the borough have been listed among the most deprived areas in England.

Rev Sivyer told the newsletter: “It is important people are aware of where to go for help.”

“If people want to do a collection for the Salvation Army that’s great. The more that we do to help each other the better.

"I’m not trying to stop that," he said. "I’m just trying to stop the misinformation.”

He explained the foodbank, which has been renamed to reflect the fact it covers the area around the

Flegg villages, was part of a larger network of organisations and people who went to it were signposted to other agencies for support. And because of the large and rural nature of the patch, supplies were delivered to people’s homes.

The Salvation Army collection is in two sessions on November 17, from 2pm to 4pm and 5.30pm to 7.30pm at the village hall. The list of suitable donations includes tinned and jar foods, pasta, cup soups, breakfast cereals, sweets and chocolate, household cleaning and laundry goods, toiletries, pet food, baby food, dried baby milk, nappies and new toys.

New adult and children’s clothing, sleeping bags and bedding are also welcome as well as clean second hand clothes in good condition that can be sold in the charity shop. Visit for more.

Anyone wanting to give to the Flegg area foodbank can leave donations of tinned foods, toiletries and household cleaning goods at the back of the church when it is open through the year or visit: for information.

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